kyoto private tour

Last week, the company busy we got to work, work at home with nothing to do, so open the computer, open my usual language website, find someone to add me as a friend, I agreed, adding after we started chatting, chatting chatting with her next week she said travel to Kyoto, and see if I can help her find a kyoto private tour, my occupation is kyoto private tour, I just promised her, let her come to Kyoto ahead of time to contact me, a few days after the end of the trip, I received a portion of their expenses, they think I’m good a few days of hard to accompany such charges low, think my friends also said back value, we continue to learn from each other, mutual exchange, mutual progress, strive to learn a foreign language fluently!

sun solaris system

老是以前自己用的東西是非常的好用的,是很棒的,但是這次就是沒有想到原來現在的這個sun solaris system就才是最好的呢,就真的是用過了也就才知道了呢,這次我也還真的是才發現,就有很多人都是非常的喜歡這個sun solaris system的,而且這次我也還真的是發現就這個sun solaris system的作用真的是非常的大的,就對于我的工作來說,是非常的適合用的,特別是我們公司的人也就還都是很會使用這個sun solaris system的,感覺到這個sun solaris system就真的是很給力的,特別是這個sun solaris system就是用習慣了,都不捨得換的。

osaka airport transfer

Summer vacation a year, aunt said to me, let my summer vacation with my cousin they to Osaka airport transfer over there to see, change is very big, but also can be seen more and more knowledge, to go to Osaka airport transfer where tickets are already bought, Osaka airport transfer where the scale of the lot, for some people who travel on business, go out is also more convenient, and is also a quick comparison, flight also in unceasing increase, traffic is slowly dying. Go out to travel and travel a lot, would convenient a lot, but also has a lot of flights in the different time intervals, also won’t delay time.

sparc サーバ

朋友大學報志願的時候看到了網絡的發展方向,大學期間也就學習了網絡那塊的專業,大學期間他也刻苦學習,考取了專業的證書,出來后被一家很好的企業給招聘上了,他很開心,這輩子不用擔心工作了。上一個週末,我約他出來玩,他告訴我他們現在研究了一款遊戲,這款遊戲跟以往的遊戲有很大的一個區別,這款遊戲有sparc サーバ,這個服務器空間比較大,運行起來比較快,不會讓玩家在盡情地玩耍中掉線或者出現屏幕卡住了等等不愉快的畫面,會遊戲的朋友就說有了sparc サーバ的遊戲真的是很高大上,玩起來也比較開心。



power supply

If you want to buy a good product that must go to the power supply inside the company buy, this power supply, but I used the same effect inside the products and the best evaluation of a product, I have heard people say this but because they did not use therefore did not say anything. Some time ago, I give our company also purchased such a product, have to say this well beyond my own expectations, and we use so many products, the best evaluation is only power supply inside the company’s products, it seems that everyone’s eyes are sharp or not what power supply products are in good quality.

仮想化 サーバ

像一般的软件公司,或者是大一点的公司,基本上都会配备一台仮想化 サーバ在里面,而设备配好了,工作人员在工作的时候,也不会收到什么外界影响,可以正常的工作,而公司的技术部们也会定期的做检查,尽量的减少隐患问题,在维护仮想化 サーバ的过程中,他们把细节检查的特别细致,定期的也会对仮想化 サーバ做一次调整,尽量的做到让同事们用起来方便,是使用的过程中,减少工作压力,而仮想化 サーバ上面的文件也会及时做好备份。






自己已經在日本語言學校這里上了兩年了,所以對于這里的很多的地方我都是很清楚的,媽媽前兩天給我打電話過來,告訴我我的表妹她要過來我們學校上學了,所以讓我找時間好好的帶她熟悉下環境,也能更快的適應這里,專心的去學好自己的功課,給自己一個好的開始,讓我們也能更好的去得到好的教育 ,她對于日本語言學校的評價也是很高的,一直就想上這個學校,所以現在她能走進我們的學校,也是很歡迎的,希望大家都可以很好的去努力進步,得到更多的東西。