





part time job

找了一份這個part time job呢,就是沒有想到原來這個part time job就是現在也還真的是比以前的好很多呢,而且我現在也就還真的是感覺到這個part time job就是很不錯的,因為我現在也就還是一直都有在做這個part time job的,感覺做什麽都是很好的,這次我也就還是真的是也幫我的朋友就找了一個part time job呢,因為她平時就是帶孩子的話也還是沒有時間做一份好的工作的,所以我想這個part time job我話也就還是會不錯的,結果沒有想到是特別的棒,朋友也還是很喜歡做這個part time job的。





大阪 住宿

一直都喜歡去大阪旅遊呢,這次放假我就打算一個人去大阪旅遊呢,剛好可以去看櫻花呢。晚上跟朋友在聊天的時候朋友就問我放假有什麽打算沒有,我就告訴朋友我要去大阪遊玩呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說我要是去玩的話一定要提前訂酒店呢,聽了朋友講的事情我就說我已經安排在大阪 住宿了呢,我之前去大阪旅遊都會把住宿安排在大阪 住宿的呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說我安排好了就可以呢,讓我去了就好好遊玩呢,多拍一些美照呢。

certificate in teaching singapore

A lot of our colleagues at Certificate in teaching Singapore study, when I heard the news I also don’t believe, but then later in to see everyone’s work strength I have to believe, because the certificate in teaching Singapore in this respect is very professional, only Certificate in teaching Singapore so Niubi where everyone will so many useful things, some time ago I therefore give myself at Certificate in teaching Singapore newspaper, I think this thing will feel very happy now, I believe that I can be in the certificate in teaching Singapore which to learn a lot of useful things, I will work a lot of convenience.

Taipei hotel near MRT

Family some relatives came to our house today, because my grandpa’s birthday today, so everyone come to grandpa birthday, father also in Taipei hotel near the MRT booked a meal, etc. All of us here, we will have a meal in the past, everybody together talking and laughing, as if time no together, good is not easy to everyone, so is particularly happy, have something to say, see everybody happy I am also very happy, grandpa and grandma two also laughed up not shut up, as if did not see them so laughed, in Taipei hotel near the MRT there we left a good memory, hope later we also get together more, play with them.

diploma in teaching singapore

Recently saw a friend is still very busy, has not contacted me. Today with friends in the chat when I asked her friend recently in busy what a friend told me that she has been studying recently, said she is preparing for a diploma in teaching Singapore, listening to a friend about what I would say yes, but Diploma in teaching admitted to Singapore very difficult then, friends listened to my story and said she would try it, it is said to this time no matter success, listening to a friend about what I would say yes, then she Study hard, I hope she will get it earlier, friends listened to my story that she admitted then tell me.