





Ximending boutique hotel

When a friend introduced me to Ximending Boutique Hotel, I also think that Ximending boutique hotel with our country hotel without what two things, so I didn’t care about a friend gave me the explanation, but when I walked into Ximending Boutique Hotel, the smell of a tell us where the hotel is completely different breath, I feel the beauty, so friends say is after I ate the hotel food, estimates there will be not the same feeling, I hastened to ask him, he said that everything is really, he says is of course he will not deceive for me, because I was the only foreign him over to friends, so certainly true to me.


When sister from the USA back, bought me a pair of adidas shoes, I have a good state of preservation, because I love my this pair of adidas shoes, his appearance is very simple, but is all my shoes which I most like a pair of it, although I before also buy a few adidas shoes, but because of its style are not sister gave me this pair of shoes in the American buy good, so I prefer this pair of shoes, my shoes are worn for two years! But now open shoebox to look, but also with new as like as two peas, so everybody said I put my this pair of adidas shoes, maintenance is very good ah! It is so.



wood panel

To begin renovation of the house, I began to worry, I don’t know our home in the renovation is to use wood panel or porcelain brick, is when I’m tangled, I saw my new house using wood panel friends home decoration particularly beautiful, I asked wood panel price is not expensive. Is the range of I can accept, so I quickly asked the wood panel friend is which to buy store in here, I also want to buy it, friends see me very nervous appearance, suddenly laughed, saying is I today is how, I how do not calm. And I say that not because of time is the decoration of the house.

東京 住宿推薦

好朋友要和家裡人一起去日本旅遊了,準備先去東京。現在正在準備訂酒店,因為我之前去過東京,所以他就問我有什麼好的東京 住宿推薦給他。我當時去的時候其實也是沒有特別選擇酒店。就在網上隨便看了一家。我覺得那一家還是很不錯的,好像口碑還是很好的,所以我就把那一家東京 住宿推薦給了他。出門訂酒店還是很重要的一件事,關係到旅遊的質量,所以提前做好準備還是挺好的。希望他在日本東京的旅行會非常愉快。



台湾 凤梨酥

看到店里有卖台湾 凤梨酥的,我就买了一盒,因为我哥哥比较喜欢吃,他以前在台湾呆过一段时间,就喜欢上台湾 凤梨酥了。不过我们那边也没有卖的,所以他现在回来之后就很少能吃到台湾 凤梨酥了。虽然我们那边也有点心店在卖台湾 凤梨酥,不过他说那些都不正宗不好吃的。这次到台湾来我就想好多给他带一些台湾 凤梨酥,毕竟我哥哥小的时候很疼我的,好不容易来一次台湾,帮他带一些回去,他一定超级高兴的。