hualien attractions

Just with my classmates on the Micro message chat for a while, I asked him this time doing what, how I did not see him what news, he said he was playing outside now, I say where ah, when how to do not call me, he said he is the two in Hualian, two days prior to the Hualien attractions Hualien attractions, ready to go tomorrow to play go, up ready to come back, because his holiday is coming soon, don’t come back again, to get training, I say this day and root what seems strange, not want to call him out to dinner before two days, always can’t reach him, it is to go to Hualian to play, and he came back to talk to him.

台湾 五つ星 ホテル

今回私は夫と一緒に台灣で遊んで、本当に楽しかった、ここに面白いところは本当に多くて、私の特別な台灣のこの場所が好きで、私と旦那さんは今回私は台灣で5つ星ホテ児宿泊、今回の宿泊は私の住んでいた最高のホテルた、私はとても好きで台灣の5つ星ホテ児、彼の独特な風格、サービスも特別ないい、彼らの店員にお客様はまるで家族のように、私は5つ星満足の台湾 五つ星 ホテル 家の中へのベッドで眠るが特別な気持ち、昨日一日遊んだ晩に眠っては特別な心地良くて、私は本当に満足しました。




上次給老爸去做了一個植牙效果還真不錯,這幾天老爸都高興的不得了了,一天總是樂呵呵的,自從做了植牙後這段時間爸爸的味口都大增了,現在不管是吃什麽東西可以了,做植牙前呢爸爸吃飯的時候也就只能吃一些軟一些的飯菜,後有同事給我做一些植牙推薦,我就想爸爸的牙齒剛好不太好了,所以我就去帶爸爸做了一個植牙,做完植牙,爸爸就每天還會他們一些朋友們做植牙推薦,說自己做的這個植牙非常的不錯,現在我們小區有三年老人 在老爸的推薦下去做了植牙了。



Taipei Boutique Hotel

To my sister’s house to play today, I told her that I had a few days to get to Taipei for a period of time, our head office sent students in training I was selected, my sister said a few days ago, she took the children to Taipei’s tourism in a circle, the scenery over there is very beautiful, the local is also a lot of snacks, I have the word of time to also can go to taste, I say you know the local which hotel is good, this time to the company does not provide a place to live, live to yourself, sister said she last lived in that house called Taipei Boutique Hotel is very good, the Taipei Boutique Hotel scale the big, and the decoration is also very good, the inside environment is also very clean, the price is very reasonable, you can go to this hotel.



where to stay in Taipei

Early in the summer with some friends go to Taipei tourism, summer vacation is coming, but my friends and I have nothing, because my friends don’t know where to stay in Taipei so he has not prepared, night cousin to my home, with my cousin chat, give my cousin told me with friends in the summer vacation to go to Taipei to play things, cousin asked me how, I will tell my cousin and I have nothing to do, my cousin asked me how not ready for it, I will tell my cousin with friends do not know where to stay in Taipei so not ready, after listening to my cousin told us, he told me that he had a friend who was working in Taipei over there, he can help me to ask his classmates.


這段時間老媽這是受什麽刺激了,這幾天每天我回家老媽都問我一些關于拉皮的事。剛開始的時候我也沒有在意老媽問我就給老媽 大概的介紹了一下,因爲我在們公司有幾個老同事也是做過拉皮的,有時候她一些關于拉皮的事的時候我也了解到了一些的。可是沒想到是,今天 我下班回家老爸給我說是老媽也想去做拉皮了,這幾天我不在家老媽整天都坐在窗口拿個鏡子說自己老了,有皺紋了什麽的。其實我也知道老媽在年輕的時候就特別的愛美,愛打扮,這幾年來就是感覺上年紀了,這對老媽來說打擊也是很大的。、

