朋友告訴我說是她明天要去參加一個同事的婚禮呢,問我要不要跟她一塊去。說是她這個同事舉行婚禮的地點就是我上次說的那個婚禮 飯店,聽了朋友講的事情我就說那還真是挺好的。我就說我明天陪她一塊去,我上次去那個婚禮 飯店還沒有好好參觀呢,這次我去了之后就好好參觀一下那家婚禮 飯店里面的設計品嚐一下里面的菜品,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她就已經猜到我一定會跟她一塊去的,聽到朋友那樣講我就說明天我跟她都要好好打扮一下呢。
There is a very love toy also really is very good, because I know a good friend is a special love of the Digimon, I also very love, so this is a business trip in Hongkong, I thought back then also a good friend is to help buy this Digimon, because she saw to be happy is bad, the results did not expect to buy a Digimon it really is not difficult at all, because it is too much, what is it, I really is a special love, and now I also really is this Digimon bought a wide variety of it, I think the Digimon will be a long time in our home, is really too cute.
property malaysia
The weather is very good, my husband and I went to Malaysia to travel there, to Malaysia, where people travel is still very much, where the environment is really too good, people also want to go to a husband, I also very love there, I husband often come here in Malaysia on a business trip, we went there by property Malaysia, look, there still feel very good, my husband in property Malaysia bought the house, it will still temporary decision, my husband finally to go to work there for me, over there went to work, I go there is love there’s way of life and the environment there very.
chiness lesson singapore
See a lot of students in our class are enrolled in Chiness lesson Singapore, I am also very happy, because I want to learn Chinese, I only learn Chinese good things, then I can go to the China tour, and my girlfriend is in China, if I want to they go home to see his parents then, I can communicate with them, I want to do good work, I am very happy, because I also successfully enrolled in the Chiness lesson Singapore, so our company will give me to say that we can go to a Chinese learning language, and we have a holiday I can ask my girlfriend to teach me, I also very happy to! So I’m looking forward to it.
nail salon central
來到nail salon central之後,我都不知道要從何學起了呢,因為我知道現在很多年輕人都喜歡做指甲,而我就想學一門手藝,如果我自己也會做指甲的話呢,那麼我也可以開一家nail salon central分店呢,所以就在別人的介紹下,我也打算來到nail salon central學習做指甲呢,來到這裡,看他們都很專業呢, 弄得我都不會了,不過他們人都很好呢,還說是讓我跟他一起學習呢,他們都很認真的叫我呢,而我也認為他們做出來的指甲真的很漂亮呢,我也很喜歡呢。
time attendance security door
The time attendance security door, which can be said after the installation, we have a lot of rules, I think we all recognized this thing, then we have to accept something like this, but my friends say you do not see what people now is how to think, then you will understand. How do you go to the problem, in fact, for those who think I also have my own opinion, but I will not say too much, because I feel like not as necessary in the company, the inside of the time attendance security door, you will feel like after using a different feeling. But if you don’t use it, there will be a lot of problems.