
我不想買婚紗了,因為定做婚紗的話,比較費時間,況且我們的婚期即將到來,要是現在讓設計師給我做的話,太趕了,於是朋友就給我推薦婚紗單租。我還是頭一次聽到這個事情呢。之前我周圍的人結婚也都是自己定做婚紗的,可是這次我朋友給我的婚紗單租推薦,我覺得辦法可行, 於是第二天就在朋友的帶領下,我們來到了婚紗攝影影樓,我發現影樓里的婚紗都特別的好看,於是我也挑了一件我認為最好看的婚紗,決定到婚禮那天把這件婚紗租下來就可以了。




早知道爬山這麽辛苦,我來的時候就應該聽媽媽話的多帶一些外帶的食品,我和朋約好今天 去爬山的所以我走的時候特別的開心,我早上走的特別的早,聽懂完早餐就走了。臨走的時候媽媽叮囑我說是讓外帶一些吃的再去,可我想著說是帶什麽外帶啊,我早飯吃的飽飽的,帶那麽東西還累,所以我就只帶了一點零食和幾瓶水就走了,可是當我爬到山頂的時候我已經又累又餓了,我和朋吃的喝的都已經沒有了,山上也沒有吃的,我真是後悔沒聽媽媽的話帶些外帶來。

hualien attractions

When you go to Taiwan tourism, I went to the Hualien attractions didn’t think Hualien attractions scenery very good, I have to take my parents to travel to Taiwan. After traveling back from Taiwan, did not expect today my mother told me that the things they organized a trip to Taiwan, she’s going to take my father to go. Listen to the mother say things I feel pretty good, I’ll tell mother on Taiwan side scenery very good she and my dad went to a later will be like the place, my mom heard me say that they know the view across the Taiwan very good must play well before her more, take some photos back to let me see.





Taipei hotel near mrt

Soon travel to Taipei, the mood is so excited, this is my hope for a long trip, and now finally realized. But now the priority is to provide a hotel, I really was confused, because they do not often journey’s sake, I really do not know where to set better. A friend recommended to me a Taipei hotel near mrt, which is a specialized hotel reservation website, after she told me I could not wait to open a Taipei hotel near mrt, above there is a lot of really nice hotel, I have a little dazzled . But Taipei hotel near mrt with lots of very upscale hotel, I really can not afford, so I decided to find a relatively high cost.



kaohsiung attractions

A trip to Taiwan with my parents when I was with my parents to the Kaohsiung attractions did not think of my parents like the local scenery, see parents so love tour I was going to have time to travel with my parents. The evening with friends in a chat friend told me that she was ready to have some time to travel to Taiwan but don’t know where to go play, listening to friends talk about the things I let friends go to Kaohsiung attractions to play, where the scenery is very good, listen to me say things that she go back to look at the Internet if good words she will go, I will tell her friends go to the place where I’ll love.

