

新竹 酒店

這個新竹 酒店我是在網上訂的,當初訂這個酒店心裏沒底,因爲價格低,害怕住條件差呢。當我來到這個新竹 酒店的時候還是給了我很大的驚喜的。 這個酒店環境非常的不錯,風格也非常的別致,幹淨整潔,非常方便。服務人員特別熱情,服務好很周到。這個新竹 酒店適合各位來出有效期來旅遊度假,如果你覺得你要求非常高的話我覺得你也完全可以選取這個酒店,因爲新竹 酒店各個方面我覺得都非常的合適。我想我回去以後還人給其它的人推薦的,讓他們要是有時間來新竹的話,就住新竹 酒店好了。


這段時間加班真的好累啊,好不容易一個周末我一定要好好的把它利用了,今天 我給把自己的時間按排的滿滿的,早上我睡了個懶覺,因爲真的太困了好久都沒有休息了,還有就是這段時間經常 的熬夜,加班感覺自己的皮膚不好了,整個人都身心疲憊的,所以下午約了個朋友我們一起去做了一個油壓,幫完油壓整個人都感覺舒服了好多,都有精神了,同時也給自己的皮膚做了一個護理,感覺好了很多,現在本來就已經上年紀了年來我以後得好好的保護自己的皮膚了。









kaohsiung attractions

A former friend called and said he wanted to come to Kaohsiung to play, let me introduce Kaohsiung attractions to him, and he will know where to play, otherwise, he is not familiar with Kaohsiung, afraid to play is not very much, and I said yes, I took some of the more famous Kaohsiung attractions to him say it again, let him down, he wrote after said, after two days he came to Kaohsiung, came to ask me to eat meal, and he hangs up the phone, I think we have had no contact for a long time, but in the previous company. Our relationship is not very good, don’t know how he knew I was working in Kaohsiung, but also said to invite I to have a meal, I don’t know how it happened

Taiwan Taipei hotel

A friend’s wedding is set in the Taiwan Taipei hotel’s face, the wedding date is this weekend, friends said let us that early in the past, because that day at the Taiwan Taipei hotel. There is also a to the wedding, so I helped him to greet guests, said to be afraid when people do not know he is wrong in where, this is difficult for me, because I was not good at most to greet people, you usually don’t love talking to friends, this would allow me to greet people, friends like to know I worry about what he said that day, let me treat us often a few friends on the line, the other he arranged

Ximending accommodation

When I served as a tour guide in a travel agency, because started soon, so for some tourist attractions are not very familiar with, such as Taiwan, my Taiwan hotel is not very clear, there is a visitor asked me to recommend a moderate consumption of hotel for him, I was stupid, when the tourists on me not satisfied, so I determined to become familiar with the attractions of the hotel name, later, when I take a tour group to Taiwan tourism, tourists have asked me about the hotel information, I was introduced to his hotel is Ximending accommodation, because Ximending accommodation is also near the attractions, when you are convenient. Later when we return, the tourists also thank I introduced him to Ximending accommodation very good oh!